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Looking for work? Here are the latest design vacancies within an hour of Birmingham.

Submit a job

Current vacancies

No roles currently available

Have something to list? Use the form below. Listing a role on Birmingham Design helps support our work and the Birmingham Design Festival. Keep an eye on our social media channels for future job listings.

Submitting a job

Submission criteria

Roles listed on the jobs board must confirm to the following criteria:

  • The role must be located within 50 miles Birmingham, UK or remote.
  • The role must be at a design agency, in-house design team or heavily focussed around design (e.g. UX designer).
  • If submitting an internship this must be a paid position. Pay your interns.

How to submit

Simply fill in the form on this page. That's it! Easy peasy.

Submit a job

Have a job related to the design industry? We’d love to list it for you. Please take a moment to check out our criteria then fill in the form below.

Jobs listed here also receive advertisement via email marketing, slack community and social media channels.

Job listings are now free.

Complete this form to get started

Once we’ve received your details we’ll be in touch to let you know it’s listed and confirm payment terms.

  • Contact details

  • Job details

  • We know it's very tempting to put 'depending on experience' here. But please try and provide a rough ballpark – the quality/quantity of applicants will improve!
  • (e.g. Send your CV and portfolio to